Turkey Calls

How to make a cutt turkey call


This call can be incredibly useful in certain situations and can help you attract turkeys when other calls fail. In this article, we'll discuss what the CUTT call is, when to use it, and how to make it sound just right.

What is the CUTT call?

The CUTT call is a series of short, sharp, and aggressive notes that mimic the sound of a turkey cutting and chopping. This call is typically made with a diaphragm call, but it can also be made with a box call or a slate call. The CUTT call is different from other turkey calls, such as the yelp or the cluck, because it's louder and more aggressive.

When to use the CUTT call

The CUTT call is most effective during aggressive hunting scenarios, such as when a turkey is close but not responding to other calls. This call can be especially useful during the later part of the hunting season when turkeys have been called to numerous times and have become more cautious. The CUTT call can also be used to imitate the sound of a fighting hen, which can be an effective way to lure in a dominant tom.

How to make the CUTT call

To make the CUTT call, you need to use your diaphragm call correctly. Begin by placing the call in your mouth with the latex facing upward. Create a small pocket of air between your tongue and the roof of your mouth, then exhale a sharp burst of air while vibrating the latex with your tongue. The sound should be short, sharp, and aggressive, resembling the sound of a turkey cutting and chopping.

It's important to note that mastering the CUTT call takes practice. It's essential to spend time perfecting the technique and learning when to use it. The key to successful turkey hunting is to have a variety of calls and techniques at your disposal and know when to use them.

In conclusion, the CUTT call is an effective call to have in your turkey hunting toolkit. It's a useful call when other calls fail, and it can be especially effective during aggressive hunting scenarios. With practice, you can master the CUTT call and increase your chances of a successful turkey hunt.

Turkey call types

Kee-kee | Yelp | Cackle | Cutt | Purr | Tom | Whine | Gobble | Cluck


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